And by Nintendo Wii, I mean that small, ugly, cheap-looking white plastic box that lets you to play a small collection of mostly-bad games but in a very innovative and novel manor.

Ugly Wii

I find it absolutely perplexing that the Wii has been sold to so many people. I’ve seen better looking gangrenous wounds than the Wii. I’ve played board games with better graphics. And I’ve seen cows that handle better than most Wii games. So why is the console so popular?

I think it’s because Nintendo sells its Wii consoles based more on a cool idea than anything else. The Wii is truly revolutionary in the way it approaches games in a totally new way. The handheld remote controller is a neat idea, and it attracts people of all ages. It’s new and exciting. In theory, the Wii is the greatest games console of the 21st Century.

PS3 vs Xbox vs Wii

But that doesn’t change the fact that in practise, the Wii has a lot less technology packed inside it than both the Xbox 360 and the PS3.

Add to that the fact that the Wii is now more expensive than the cheapest Xbox and only £100 cheaper than the PS3 (as opposed to £245 cheaper like when the PS3 launched), and it's reasonable to assume that the Wii might be in for a tougher time in the next two years.

It’s no real surprise to me that the majority of Wii owners who I know, very rarely touch it anymore. Many are now wishing they bought a PS3 or an Xbox – I suspect that many more think the same, but would never admit it.

The odd good game

Of course, every now and then, a game comes along which people get excited about. And the Wii is dusted off and brought back from the dead. Mario Kart and Wii Fit being the two recent examples. But as soon as the novelty value wears off, people seem to lose interest.

It doesn’t help at all, that there is still a distinct lack of quality games available for the Wii. And a pioneering games console with no decent games is about as useless as a snooze button on a smoke alarm.

This is the most frustrating part from my point of view… Essentially the Wii is aimed at people just like me. I don’t have the appetite for playing games for long periods of time. I get bored very quickly. So a quick bash at Wii Tennis is exactly the kind of thing that appeals to me.

But in reality, the Wii bores me more than anything. We’ve got all three consoles in our house, and the Wii is by-far the least-played.

My conclusion is that the Wii is, yes, a really cool, innovative product. But it has also majorly over-performed thus far. And so Nintendo is going to have to come up with something new for the next console if it wants to enjoy the same level of success.

In the meantime, if you’re thinking of buying a new console, at least consider all your options before buying a Wii.

And finally... clearly I don't think the Nintendo Wii is up to much. But of course, 25 million sales (and counting) say I'm wrong. If you think I’m wrong, let me know in the comments below.