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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Fallout Show worth watching?

Okay, i am no Fallout fan, never got into the games, however i am hearing good things about the show, IGN even stating its the best video game to show ever.

For someone who doesn't play the games and was never interested in the IP, can the TV series change my mind?

Honest throughts

Around the Network

As someone that played the games, the trailers got me hyped for the goofiness that is fallout in a tv format.
Have you watched the trailers? honestly that alone should be enough to sell you on a show, even if you havn't read the books something is based on, or played the games ect.

JRPGfan said:

As someone that played the games, the trailers got me hyped for the goofiness that is fallout in a tv format.
Have you watched the trailers? honestly that alone should be enough to sell you on a show, even if you havn't read the books something is based on, or played the games ect.

I saw some of the trailer, looked interesting but I cannot relate or have any nostalgia to anything that was shown in it.

Sounds like you are enjoying the show. 

I watched all of it yesterday, thoroughly enjoyed it. I don't know how accurate it is to the lore, but overall it was great imo. Made me want to go back and play fallout again

Azzanation said:

 IGN even stating its the best video game to show ever.

Don't think they said that; just that it belongs in the same class as TLOU show.

I'll be watching it this weekend.

Around the Network

Tim Cain, the creator of the first Fallout, was invited to the premiere (first two episodes) in Hollywood and said he loved it. I look forward to the "I hate Bethesda Fallout" crowd being extra salty about that.

He also took a picture with Tod Howard and asked fans of the first game to stop being so obnoxious online.

I think it would be better to use this thread instead of splitting the discussion.

Fallout: Season 1