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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Where to download games?

Hello guys! Please tell me where I can download free top games? I've seen a lot of sites, but there are viruses everywhere


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Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

MegaDrive08 said:
Hello guys! Please tell me where I can download free top games?I've seen a lot of sites, but there are viruses everywhere

What kind of games were you looking for? PC games or console ROMs?

I once had a thread of free games on a different forum a decade ago, might restart one here.

Try PC game pass. Although it is not free.

MegaDrive08 said:
Hello guys! Please tell me where I can download free top games?I've seen a lot of sites, but there are viruses everywhere

Check out my new thread. It's still under construction, but new games will get added soon to the list

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I've been using Kvinty for a long time. There are PC games and Nintendo games.

Steam unlocked.

I've never used it so don't know if it's full of viruses

If you're looking for console ROM's, I've always used Vimm's Lair. It's been operating since 1997 and still receives new additions. I've never had any problems with the ROM's I've downloaded.