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Forums - PC Discussion - Should I change my power supply?



Yes 3 50.00%
No 3 50.00%

My power supply is almost 15 years old! I bought it in 2009 when I was building my previous PC. It is a good OCZ model (OCZ are not in the power supply business anymore), modular and 750W. I use my PC for light work just a couple of hours a day. I game rarely and mostly in short sessions, but 15 years is 15 years. I'm still on Haswell i7 and AMD 6600XT and don't plan to upgrade, so I think most I would need is medium range 500 to 600 watt unit.

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If it works fine, it works fine.

They can last a long time.

However they do degrade in efficiency, so your PC's ability to convert energy effectively reduces, thus driving up total power consumption.

If you are still on Haswell and only a Radeon 6600XT, I wouldn't bother investing money into replacing anything.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Thanks, I was hoping for your expertise I guess I will keep using it.

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Deus Ex (2000) - a game that pushes the boundaries of what the video game medium is capable of to a degree unmatched to this very day.

i have no idea what this even means…but I’m voting yes.

Onely if htere is a recall on your power supply and then I would say change it.
