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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Digital Foundry Video: Final Fantasy 15 on Stadia is a Technical Disappointment - Stadia vs Xbox One X Comparison!

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Weird...... arnt single player games where input lag isnt such a big issue, where you would expect Stadia to shine the brightest?

Why wouldnt they make sure FF15 runs fantastic compaired to the older consoles?

"Visual quality is closer to the Base console models..." - DF.

this compairison with the xbox one x, makes stadia look bad imo.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 10 December 2019

JRPGfan said:

Weird...... arnt single player games where input lag isnt such a big issue, where you would expect Stadia to shine the brightest?

Why wouldnt they make sure FF15 runs fantastic compaired to the older consoles?

"Visual quality is closer to the Base console models..." - DF.

this compairison with the xbox one x, makes stadia look bad imo.

I would expect online multiplayer to be Stadia's biggest strength.  In trying to stream a AAA game they are just trying to stream too much.  On the other hand I am sure Stadia's streaming ability is much better than your average PS4 or XB1, so it should really shine with online multiplayer.

Stadia is a technical disappointment. FTFY ;) It was marketed as a PS5 a year early in power, but it is actually a base PS4 not even up to the PS4 pro.

The_Liquid_Laser said:
JRPGfan said:

Weird...... arnt single player games where input lag isnt such a big issue, where you would expect Stadia to shine the brightest?

Why wouldnt they make sure FF15 runs fantastic compaired to the older consoles?

"Visual quality is closer to the Base console models..." - DF.

this compairison with the xbox one x, makes stadia look bad imo.

I would expect online multiplayer to be Stadia's biggest strength.  In trying to stream a AAA game they are just trying to stream too much.  On the other hand I am sure Stadia's streaming ability is much better than your average PS4 or XB1, so it should really shine with online multiplayer.

No because data needs to travel twice the distance with stadia, so theres input delay added onto any mutiplayer game (which are usually competitive games). (everyone wants to play competitive games without a dis-advantage,like waiting 100-200 ms before your character shoots, when you hit a button)

On local run hardware, it does the calculations and stuff on your own hardware, and sends back the results to the server.
With stadia, your actions get sent to stadia, they do the calculations and send that + all the stuff you see on screen, back to you.

This means theres always a "extra" bit of delay, when your streaming a game.
This means like nothing in alot of single player games, or turn based games ect..... but you notice it in online multiplayer type games.

If you live far away from a server, its really bad.   (watch this 30secounds into the video)
(tech journalist has like 500ms-1secound delay on inputs, ei. press a key, 1sec lateron the character does the action)

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 10 December 2019

Around the Network

You guys are ridiculous.

I watched the entire thing and Minor differences in picture quality should be expected from people who will be game streaming and with technology this young annnnd from a company taking its major first steps into the industry. Stadia is like the Switch in that its usability/flexibility is its key feature and not power. These are beginner kinks that will be ironed out over time.

Xxain said:
You guys are ridiculous.

I watched the entire thing and Minor differences in picture quality should be expected from people who will be game streaming and with technology this young annnnd from a company taking its major first steps into the industry. Stadia is like the Switch in that its usability/flexibility is its key feature and not power. These are beginner kinks that will be ironed out over time.

Very optimistic of you :)

I'd argue that the input stuff, cant be done away with, laws of physics dictate that local run hardware will always have the advantage.
Even in FF15, DF guys tells you its noticeable.

Compression artifacts.... yes you can do away with them, if you stop compressing data.
The drawback is data usage will explode then.

Right now Stadia uses like 7GB - 21GB pr hour.  (1080p, 4k)
Thats with compression... if you ran it uncompressed... jeez.

Non of these issues are gonna get fixed anytime soon Xxain.

Also I'd say these arnt "Minor differences in picture quality" but rather large ones.

People that want the best picture quality game on PC. Stadia / xCloud / PsNow is for convenience. The masses don't care how it looks, it just has to work.

I don't know who's to blame?

The developers for making shoddy ports?

Google for making a platform that's difficult to develop for?

Spec-wise Stadia should be close to PS5, there's no reason games should run worse on it than even the Xbox One X.

Rise of the Tomb Raider seems like the best port, yet that only matches the XBO X rather than surpassing it.

I understand the convenience argument. But that is nit what they promised or advertised. They said next gen graphics 4k 60fps.

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