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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CGI's HYPE Series: Graphics Showdown 2018


The Best Looking Game Of 2018

01. God Of War 15 45.45%
02. Spider-Man 3 9.09%
03. Detroit: Become Human 6 18.18%
04. Red Dead Redemption 2 6 18.18%
05. Battlefield V 3 9.09%
deskpro2k3 said:
5 of them is PS exclusive, and it's a really tough pick for the top spot.. I'm gonna have to give it to Detroit Become Human.

and last year a ps4 game won.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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PwerlvlAmy said:
eva01beserk said:

Don't paint me as a good guy yet, I probably just did it cuz you're a girl. :p

On topic. I know very little of detroit as its a type of game which I detest. Is it really all about choosing dialogue trees and nothing else? ALA tell tale games? If so as good as it might look or perform, I can't give it any props cuz it really is the worst thing to happen to gaming in my opinion.

Yeah you're nice because I'm a girl then others are mean because im a girl. Its just the cycle we deal with lol 

As far as Detroit. From what I played and saw live at both PSX and the PS Showcase, its similar to Heavy Rain/Beyond really. Narrative driven with dialogue choices,but choices branch out more and effect the overall story a lot more that I noticed than in previous games. 

Scenario I got to play and witness was a hostage situation, depending on the choice made,the scene could change in 3-4 various ways that would effect your character and the people around you long term

I hear there are a lot of gay guys in this place, could be them :p

Those games aren't for me. I hope people who enjoy them have fun with detroit.  But it does look incredible for as much as I hate the type of game. 

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

Yeah you're nice because I'm a girl then others are mean because im a girl. Its just the cycle we deal with lol 

As far as Detroit. From what I played and saw live at both PSX and the PS Showcase, its similar to Heavy Rain/Beyond really. Narrative driven with dialogue choices,but choices branch out more and effect the overall story a lot more that I noticed than in previous games. 

Scenario I got to play and witness was a hostage situation, depending on the choice made,the scene could change in 3-4 various ways that would effect your character and the people around you long term

I hear there are a lot of gay guys in this place, could be them :p

Those games aren't for me. I hope people who enjoy them have fun with detroit.  But it does look incredible for as much as I hate the type of game. 

Oh yeah genre definitely isnt for everyone. Its a love it or hate it genre. I hardly see anyone thats in between opinions on games like this and telltale games lol

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

CGI-Quality said:
eva01beserk said:

I think is a safe bet to just assume a game made by sony will be the winner of this thing.

Hey CGI I missed the end of last year, but was there a poll or something to decide the winner? Or was it all up to you by taking feedback?

Horizon won last year.


PwerlvlAmy said:

No worries. Thanks for taking the time to ask me about my view rather than attack. I appreciate it Eva :)

I certainly didn't attack you. I said your comment made no sense, given the context (the fact that none of the games in the OP share much with The Order outside of a few of them being Sony properties)

At the risk of putting words in other peoples mouths  , I feel that PwerlvlAmy's comment wasn't about bringing The Order into the topic  to have  it become an item of discussion in of itself , but rather referencing it as an example of a game that was praised for it's graphics but was let down with it's  game play .

Now the case of whether or not game play needed to be brought up in a graphic's showdown is another matter 

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

If Hunt comes out this year, I'd consider that my pick. That or Metro since both look pretty detailed.

Wouldn't be surprised at all to see Sony winning yet again, and the next year and the year after that though on this site.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

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CGI-Quality said:


Seems that is correct (first half of 2018). So I'll be adding it shortly!

not sure where you got the first half of 2018 comment. but at PSX they confirmed that its coming in 2018. either way so far we know its a 2018 game so it works in the thread this year. it certainly is a looker, but i dont think it can beat RDR2. this years battlefield will certainly add stiff competition. 

Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 08 June 2018

Chazore said:
If Hunt comes out this year, I'd consider that my pick. That or Metro since both look pretty detailed.

Wouldn't be surprised at all to see Sony winning yet again, and the next year and the year after that though on this site.

And other sites as well, right?

CPU: Ryzen 7950X
Motherboard: MSI MEG X670E GODLIKE
SSD: Kingston FURY Renegade 4TB
Gaming Console: PLAYSTATION 5
deskpro2k3 said:

huh, PC won format of the year on Metro, never knew that.

Nice to see another GOTY for Overwatch as well. 

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"

Hiku said:

How about Dragonball FighterZ?

- gifs

These are a few examples, but you can find tons and tons of references to the manga/anime.

This is my front runner for GOTY 2018 in the category of Presentation.

W00t! I skipped since budokai series, but this actually caught my attention! Looks so gorgeous, and just like seen on TV! BRB got one stop at walmart!

Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 12 February 2018


"We all make choices, but in the end, our choices make us" - Andrew Ryan, Bioshock.

CGI-Quality said:
bananaking21 said:

not sure where you got the first half of 2018 comment. but at PSX they confirmed that its coming in 2018. either way so far we know its a 2018 game so it works in the thread this year. it certainly is a looker, but i dont think it can beat RDR2. this years battlefield will certainly add stiff competition. 

I got the idea of the first half of 2018 from here. May be wrong, but technically, until it has a solid release date, it's all speculative anyway. Some rumors even have it as a 2018/19 title. I'll leave it though since it's at least hinted at for 2018 in some way.

As for the graphics, I think Days Gone already beats RDR2 and Battlefield would have to pull out Battlefront II visuals (and beat Metro: Exodus) before I'll say it'll take the year.

well last official word from sony was that it was a 2018 title, so yeah just leave it in the thread :D

wasnt the metro exodus a pre-rendered video? or have they released something new after E3?

i dont know man, what we've seen from RDR2 looks amazing. we havent seen direct gameplay yet unlike days gone though. and honestly days gone has some of the best, if not the best, dynamic weather effects ive ever seen in a game. guess we will have to wait and see regarding battlefield, but BF1 looked amazing.