The Force Awakens is the movie with the biggest potential to move merchandising since Frozen. And that brings up a question. We know that movie licensed videogames have become increasingly rare due to their quality in the 2000's, and not that many movies have a videogame that follows the plot of the film.
We've had games based on the universe, like Telltale's TWD or Mad Max, but not games that basically are the movie but in videogame form. True, they have a horrendous reputation nowadays, but there are exceptions like GoldenEye 007, Spiderman 2 or Wolverine Origins. Star Wars has a lot of pull and it will be extremely popular when TFA comes out, so it would make sense to have a tie-in videogame. We all know that Battlefront III is the BIG Star Wars videogame of the year (and probably the whole gen), but that doesn't mean Disney couldn't make a tie-in game of TFA.
What do you think? Will Disney make a The Force Awakens: The Videogame, regardless of the final quality of the product, or will they just follow other Star Wars projects?
Also remember, they have erased most of the EU canon (shame on you, Disney), so they can pretty much do what they want with this.