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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - (Have some crow!) Nintendo showed incredible, hardcore, mature games and yet you complain about 3D Mario?

It must be impossible to please everyone.

I'm going to go watch this for the tenth time.

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Yup, I ain't buying Mario until Peach's clothes get torn each time she gets hit.

I'm gonna go back and start playing Galaxy 2 on Dolphin. Looks cool, but I want the full orchestra amazingness back.

(It's not pirated..I ripped it plz don't ban me like that one -man) Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Further proof that the Nintendo fanbase is actually the least devoted of the big three, i should say. We all have very specific ideas of what we want from Nintendo and are quite impossible to please.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Perhaps, but it would probably help to announce, you know, more than ONE new game.

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MTZehvor said:
Perhaps, but it would probably help to announce, you know, more than ONE new game.

Many of the games shown in the Direct had little to no gameplay previously shown anyway, and I doubt that the announcement of a new 3D Mario or Mario Kart would surprise many people.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
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Super Mario 3D Land worked well for the 3DS, I guess that's why we see it on the WiiU now. WiiU so far almost has been a carbon copy of the 3DS, so why are people confused by Nintendo taking the same approach?

We still need to learn that us hardcore fans are NOT the focus.

I'm extremely disappointed at 3D Mario, one of the biggest drops Nintendo has ever done. However, everything else was good to amazing. Heck even DKC has grown on me (once I passed the fact that it's made by Retro). 

While I understand while people are complaining about  some games, this is not the "worst Nintendo Direct ever" like I heard people saying.   

Nintendo and PC gamer

The problem is when there's no third party support you're reliant on Nintendo to provide new experiences. And instead what we got was a majority of games that could honestly have passed as reskinned versions of wii or 3ds games (DKCR2, Mario, Wii Fit U, Wii Party U, Smash).

I think Nintendo fans are used to a greater level of imagination in their games, but the old men in charge of Nintendo have well and truly soaked that out of the company.

KHlover said:
Super Mario 3D Land worked well for the 3DS, I guess that's why we see it on the WiiU now. WiiU so far almost has been a carbon copy of the 3DS, so why are people confused by Nintendo taking the same approach?

We still need to learn that us hardcore fans are NOT the focus.

Maybe not the focus of 3D Mario, but c'mon, this Direct had quite a bit of fan service without it.

3DS Friend Code: 0645 - 5827 - 5788
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