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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft hacked... why is no one covering this?

Why did we get a million threads when Psn was attacked and targetted by Anonymous because Sony was protecting their product but when Microsoft is hacked the forums are quiet?

It was a rough Friday for Microsoft, which suffered a major outage with its Azure cloud-storage service and revealed that it too was a victim of a large hack that hit big tech companies this week.

The Redmond, Wash., tech company said some of its employees' computers were breached as part of a hack that affected Facebook and Apple in a similar way.

"During our investigation, we found a small number of computers, including some in our Mac business unit, that were infected by malicious software using techniques similar to those documented by other organizations," Microsoft said in a statement Friday afternoon.

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The company said it does not believe any user data was stolen.

Separately, Microsoft said user data on another service became inaccessible Friday because of technical issues.

Microsoft said that its Windows Azure cloud computing platform, which is used by programmers, was down because of a "worldwide outage" caused by an expired security certificate. That expired certificate prevents users from accessing the service using a secure protocol.

"We are validating the recovery options before implementing them," Microsoft said on a Web page with information regarding Azure's status. "Further updates will be published to keep you apprised of the situation. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes our customers.",0,6681241.story

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I didn't hear anything about it.....Weird!

Another thing to add in my arsenal. Thanks.

Mac business unit

Lol it is nothing even comparable.
By the way I have been affected by this outage and my website and game (an MMORPG) went down for almost 4 hours (1 hour the first day and 3 hours on the second).

This is an outage... It happens all the year to all kind of different services...
The difference is that nobody outside of Microsoft got access to my personal information including my credit card.

All the big ones got hacked except Google.

That's why I couldn't access my cloud saves last night/early this morning.
Also Halo 4 servers were down.

It's just that simple.

Around the Network

"including some in our Mac business unit"

Okay, that made me laugh. Nice little jab. As everyone knows, however, Microsoft is unhackable. Clearly it was Apple's fault.

Also the service interruption was like 4 hours max :)

PS4 was hacked and targetted already? Interesting... :P

But to answer the question, because it "only" caused an outage in services for a limited time *less than a day*, the Azure platform didn't go offline for a month and 70M credentials were not at risk.

For end users, it was no worse than a power outage happening.

There is a clear difference between this and what happened to Sony. Anyone thinking of using this as ammunition down the line I suggest you take my advice and not use it. You will only look like a moron for doing so.
