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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Space Marine Demo, play it now!

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I love it. Great Gears of War style game but still different enough to not be called a complete copy. Relic is one of my favorite game devs and they have shown it again with this one. I went from cautiously optimistic to day one on this demo. I will admit I have a bit of 40K nerd in me due to playing Dawn Of War for so long, but try it.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

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An ex bf actually made me read the first 5 of the horus heresy novels (it was a tradeoff , I made him read harry potter) so I know the horus heresy (Part of the 40k) story well and am mildly intrigued on picking this up. I seriously dislike first and third person shooters though, and I normally hate the whole space marine/genetically enhanced soldier (even when it appears in my favourite franchise, frowns hard at FF7) thing, But seeing as the 40k world is the grimmest thing I've read since H.P lovecraft and Poe (especially the end of the (Horus) galaxy in flames and fulgrim novels, holy h.ell) I might actually pick this game up

Not expecting much and it has a huge mountain to climb given its almost everything I dislike in a game rolled into one, but things never change if you dont try right, gotta try and keep an open mind and all that

and geez those novels were grim, hope the game captures that atmosphere. I disliked KZ2 less (note the double negative) than other shooters for its atmosphere, so hopefully this one can capture the bleak 40k vibe and progress to 'mildly average' on my (personal) enjoyment scale. Even if it is by atmosphere alone.


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)

Loved the demo. Hopefully this game does well enough to warrant another game which could be done from a different perspective ... maybe chaos space marines (what I play in 40k, but I doubt they would do it) who make an appearance in this game.

2000cc said:
An ex bf actually made me read the first 5 of the horus heresy novels (it was a tradeoff , I made him read harry potter) so I know the horus heresy (Part of the 40k) story well and am mildly intrigued on picking this up. I seriously dislike first and third person shooters though, and I normally hate the whole space marine/genetically enhanced soldier (even when it appears in my favourite franchise, frowns hard at FF7) thing, But seeing as the 40k world is the grimmest thing I've read since H.P lovecraft and Poe (especially the end of the (Horus) galaxy in flames and fulgrim novels, holy h.ell) I might actually pick this game up

Not expecting much and it has a huge mountain to climb given its almost everything I dislike in a game rolled into one, but things never change if you dont try right, gotta try and keep an open mind and all that

and geez those novels were grim, hope the game captures that atmosphere. I disliked KZ2 less (note the double negative) than other shooters for its atmosphere, so hopefully this one can capture the bleak 40k vibe and progress to 'mildly average' on my (personal) enjoyment scale. Even if it is by atmosphere alone.

Relic has done real well with the grim atmosphere of the 40K universe in the Dawn of War series. There is not a ton of dialouge among the Marine chapter in the game but you can certainly feel the toll the never ending war has taken on the main characters. From the demo it seems they keep in line with that. There is no comic relief rookie like in gears, just a group of vets deep in the shit. I have always wanted to read some of the main Warhammer novels but I am a slow reader and I cant see myself doing the Horus Heresey even if I read every night till the day I died.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling