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An ex bf actually made me read the first 5 of the horus heresy novels (it was a tradeoff , I made him read harry potter) so I know the horus heresy (Part of the 40k) story well and am mildly intrigued on picking this up. I seriously dislike first and third person shooters though, and I normally hate the whole space marine/genetically enhanced soldier (even when it appears in my favourite franchise, frowns hard at FF7) thing, But seeing as the 40k world is the grimmest thing I've read since H.P lovecraft and Poe (especially the end of the (Horus) galaxy in flames and fulgrim novels, holy h.ell) I might actually pick this game up

Not expecting much and it has a huge mountain to climb given its almost everything I dislike in a game rolled into one, but things never change if you dont try right, gotta try and keep an open mind and all that

and geez those novels were grim, hope the game captures that atmosphere. I disliked KZ2 less (note the double negative) than other shooters for its atmosphere, so hopefully this one can capture the bleak 40k vibe and progress to 'mildly average' on my (personal) enjoyment scale. Even if it is by atmosphere alone.


Favourite Games of 2013 1.Tomb Raider(PS3) 2.Atelier Ayesha(PS3) 3.Virtues Last Reward (Vita)