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Forums - General Discussion - Would you augument yourself?

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Would you augument yourself?

Yes 16 50.00%
No 2 6.25%
Only if I had to 8 25.00%
Yes all out cyborg 6 18.75%

Well since Deus Ex Human Revolution comes out tomorrow, can't wait.

If it was possible would you augument yourself or not? If you do, which body parts or go full cyborg?

I probably wouldn't do it unless I lost a limb or something.

Around the Network

Ya I wouldn't unless I needed to.


From what i've seen in Ghost in the Shell, i'd just switch to a full cyberbody

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

I would want a new penis with adjustable size and shape settings... That could vibrate and do crazy movements...

Errr maybe if I had to most def.

Around the Network

Well looks like the opinion is split between the categories

TheEvilBanana said:
I would want a new penis with adjustable size and shape settings... That could vibrate and do crazy movements...

I knew this was coming on this thread at some point. especially when the poll is asking if there was a certain body part that someone would want to make cyborg. lol.

You know this reminds me of something I saw on a tech show the other day. They are developing and already using equipment that can attach to a man's arms that allows him to lift up a car and turn it over. Also they were showing mechanical legs that attach to someone's legs that allow a normal human to run at incredible speeds. I think these kind of inventions will become even more widely used within the next decade or so.

Wow then augumentations might come sooner than I thought but there will probably be alot of opposition to it though before it becomes widely used.

My eyes because they are seriously fucked up and it would be the only way to fix at least one of them at this point. But wouldn't want to be all robot