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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 Slim Lauch Vs Xbox 360 s Launch!

I liked Bing for the cash back, but I heard somewhere that they were stopping the bing cashback. Back to google!

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Wagram said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
Wagram said:

America = World because #s in America for the 360 usually always win.

Or maybe the 360 slim has only released in NA.....but you wouldnt know anything about that....

Not in reference to this. I meant as in a whole. Most people only use America #s when comparing PS3/360 sales.

I have noticed that IGN and Kotaku actually do this quite a bit.

Just so you know I will be doing 360s EU release as well. :)

Yeah the cash back stops in July sometime.  I tried bing twice, didn't like the results it gave me, went back to google immediately.

selnor said:
Wagram said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
Wagram said:

America = World because #s in America for the 360 usually always win.

Or maybe the 360 slim has only released in NA.....but you wouldnt know anything about that....

Not in reference to this. I meant as in a whole. Most people only use America #s when comparing PS3/360 sales.

I have noticed that IGN and Kotaku actually do this quite a bit.

Just so you know I will be doing 360s EU release as well. :)

There we go! and i'm actually very pleased with the 360 boost. Good to see people are buying up the new model.

EncodedNybble said:

Yeah the cash back stops in July sometime.  I tried bing twice, didn't like the results it gave me, went back to google immediately.

Just used it for the cash back. Google has always been my primary search engine, as well as my home page.

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Isn't it a bit unfair to use some streetbreaking as the day to start comparing numbers with?

That's what people did with LBP too ...

Wagram said:
EncodedNybble said:

Yeah the cash back stops in July sometime.  I tried bing twice, didn't like the results it gave me, went back to google immediately.

Just used it for the cash back. Google has always been my primary search engine, as well as my home page.

I know you guys dont like M$. But Bing is very very good. 

It doesnt bring unecessary crap up like Google does now. And it's much more modern. It may be unecessary to some. But the picture feature is really good. Ive learnt alot just by the info boxes and pictures it has. 

So far it's been the most accurate engine Ive used yet. Of course there is still time for it to be ruined like Google has ( bringing up crap that has nothing to do with what your after ) but right now, it's prettier, more accurate and easier to use.

papflesje said:

Isn't it a bit unfair to use some streetbreaking as the day to start comparing numbers with?

That's what people did with LBP too ...

Well when it's Gamestop and Bestbuy among others. It cant be ignored. The 2 most influential sales affecting retailers for Games in US. And there was so much of it, we had loads of articles telling UK retailers that Sony requested UK doesnt break the date also.

There was alot of breaking on this one.

Squall_Leonhart said:

And you also seem to be forgetting that when the PS3 Slim was released the 360 also got a price-cut which would account for the increase in sales. On the 360 S release there was no such price-cut for the PS3 so argument = pointless!

As Ive said. It was only the Elite model. $299. The arcade stayed the same. Entry price to 360 was unaffected.

Nice first week for X360 slim in America although it seems that most buyers just upgraded their old console to new one (software sales actually dropped compared to last week). Elsewhere in world numbers will not look as pretty though. Should still make some nice sales in EU also (not PS3 Slim level sales though). Japan is lost case with X360 so I don't see that Slim affects much to X360 sales there.