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So ever since the Chrono Trigger DS announcement I started playing Chrono Trigger again.  Unfortunately, a few years back my sister took all the old SNES games we use to have and Chrono Trigger just happened to be one of those so I've been playing the Playstion version.

I hate the load times and cinematics are just odd the way they fit in but it doesn't change the fact I love the game.  Every night since then I've been spending a few hours in my office when I get home and enjoying the Hell out of the game.  Sadly something bad happened last week, I got the red disc error screen at the PS2 startup and I've been getting it pretty consistently since.

Usually when I start my PS2 I get the red screen now and most of the time I'll just have to eject the disc and reset and that fixes it but there are also times when it takes quite a few tries for my poor old PS2 to read the disc.  I got my PS2 about 1 1/2 to 2 years after it was released so I dodged the period where they were pretty much disposable (about as bad as the RRoD without the warranty) and it's gotten a crapload of playtime since then without problems but now it looks like it's on its last legs.

I think the thing that did it in was I watched a DVD on it a few nights before I started getting the red screen.  I knew at the time it was a silly thing to do but the fiance was using the TV upstairs and I wanted to watch a movie so I just used it.  Now my poor PS2 dieing.  ;_;

I have my PS1 still so I can finish Chrono Trigger but I'll still without my PS2.  It's like losing a buddy.  I still don't know if I'm going to fork out the money for a new slim one or not.  I'm pretty cheap but I do like my PS2 games that I still have.