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Gaming Discussion - E3 2007 - View Post

Nintendo will put on the best show, both because they'll be leading in game announcements, but also because they're going to continue to focus on E3 as a major event moreso than Sony especially. They'll show off a tiny amount of Animal Crossing Wii for the first time, and put a date on Metroid. A handful of Smash Bros. characters and more Mario footage will be shown off, but both games will go mysteriously undated. Nintendo will also show all their cards with regards to online... For which they'll get mixed reviews... Wii Health Pack will be shown off, but Wii Music strangely absent. And the third party announcements will roll in for Wii. DS will be the star of the show, with at least one game announcement that knocks people's socks off, and several new "touch generations" games slated for the holidays. Sony will have another new game on the calibur of LittleBigWorld, slated for late 2008. LittleBigWorld itself will continue to blow people away. Home's near-complete form will be shown off, but hype will be stymied a little bit, with the main criticism being that while its a solid tool for developers, it doesn't look to be a very interesting or smooth user experience. While previously announced games like Killzone won't approach the graphical level of trailers, some new games shown will cause the games press to collectively shit a brick from their collective ass. PSP will have a very weak show and be declared "Gamecube'd." Peter Moore may have reason to show off a new tattoo... Maybe several. More and more franchises exclusive to PS2 will now be PS360 games, and some will even get timed exclusivity on 360. Though by then, pretty much everyone will already know the details, the slimmed-down version of 360 will be shown off, along with a price cut in time for the holidays. Microsoft will really push games like Banjo, and be met by a collective "meh." They'll also continue to push downloadable games and microtrans content, but by then people will think Nintendo and Sony have essentially caught up with XBLA. But they'll be happy that XBL subscription rates will be slashed, even as new multi-media and multiplayer gaming services are announced. The game of the show will once again be Spore, then almost complete. It will have playable demos of several levels and editors.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.