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If you are looking for art, culture and higher forms of human expression, don't bother looking for it in video games. Read a book, go to an art museum, attend a concert or better yet write a book, or learn to play a real instrument.

Video games are by definition ENTERTAINMENT. You will no more grow intellectually or spiritually from video games than from a movie.

Fun is exactly what all video games deliver, and all they deliver. Your idea of fun is just different, and not necessarily better.

So chill and get a grip. They are called Video GAMES - note the word game. If my idea of a good time is playing with crazed rabbits using my butt as a control, who are you to judge. If I wanted to play some overly violent, melodramatic, war to save the Earth from aliens, zombies or whatever is the villain de jour, I would do that instead. But I would not pretend that the story was great literature and the experience worthy of college credit. They all are fricking GAMES.