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Leni said:
for god's sake, why all that because a game is on both consoles??

i mean, Ps3 will still get it, what's the problem??

why should Ps3 get all the exclusives, it's Ps3 not Ps2!!


Exactly, the drama this has caused is ridiculous and funny. Here's what I posted in another thread about it.


"I think it's really stupid that so many people are crying about FFXIII, it's not like they took it away from you. You still get to play it when it comes out, ridiculous to be mad because Square wants to get the game in more peoples hands. The only thing to be mad about is losing ammunition for flag waving Sony fanboys to taunt the 360 fanboys with, not like we have those on this board...

I will still pick up XIII and most FF fans will still want a PS3 for Versus(still exclusive for now). I fail to see the big deal here I guess.


Looking forward to see what games we are getting for PS3 tomorrow in the Sony conferance, getting hyped a bit actually. The rest of you can go back to crying about games that weren't taken away from you."