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EaglesEye379 said:
Munkeh111 said:
It does have an interesting story, but I have a feeling that it will take a long time to understand properly

I dont like having a fixed camera, and the combat is certainly a bit odd and I dont feel it really flows


 Most playtesters said it takes getting used to a little.

Did the demo have any huge battles where a whole horde is coming towards you (which I think will only happen in later levels)? I think this is when youll be glad its not a button mashing affair.

Also, were there any boss fights?

There have been battles where there have been at least 20 enemies, not nothing on the scale of some parts of HS. I defeated them by moving the analogue stick in random directions.... while surfing the web.

There have been 1 or 2 mini boss fights, which involve destroying parts of the boss. To target these you need to hold the right analogue stick in a direction, so you cant really jump to avoid attacks and stuff like that, which would have been good