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Andir said:
BengaBenga said:
So, now we are at the point where even asking for BC is seen as an insult to the mighty PS3, my god.
What utter ^%E#*. Here in Europe you CAN'T buy a new PS3 with BC, I CAN'T import one, since my PS2 games are PAL and I WON'T buy another PS2, since I don't want to install all different kinds of systems to my TV.
So therefore I ask for a normal BC compatible PS3 here in Europe, if anyone thinks that's trolling he complete lost it.

Ok.  So you're telling me that if I post in the Nintendo forum and the Microsoft forums on how I'd like a system that doesn't have a power brick that it won't be closed?

Edit: or one of the other various things the system can't do like HD graphics for Wii and at least a month of uptime without a RROD for the 360...


No, it won't be closed. There are numerous threads on how it sucks that Wii doesn't have have a harddrive (which I agree with as well) and how bad RRoD is.  

It's too bad that there are Sony fanboys on this forum that take everything as an insult, even reasonable questions like this one. Again: the PS2 has numerous amazing games, BC is available everywhere else in the world. Is it really that offensive to you that I won't buy a console that lacks certain features.