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Valkyria00 said:

They never took over it theyve been with it since the beginning. (Tony Hawk)

They shouldve never released Rock Band for Wii if it was gonna be so gimped. It was a BS cash-in.

GH:WT is gonna kick RB 2 ass on all consoles.  RB2 will be more or less Rock Band 1.1 theyre not doing much different.
GH:WT ftw!




You're right about TH and Neversoft.  Not sure why I thought they had taken it over.... Still sleepy I guess.

And as to not releasing RBWii at all, that would have pissed off even more people.  Even if they couldn't add DLC or bother to add online play at least they released it.  If they didn't even release it but the PS2 got a port people would riot and call for their heads.  As it is now sales were decent considering the quality (or lack thereof) of the port so I guess not too many people were upset.

But I think it's unfair to just call it RB 1.1.  Sure GH is making a bigger leap but that's because they were already behind last year.  The GH:WT custom song mode definitely has potential to be awesome and the drum freeplay mode (where you just play on the drums over mp3s on RB) doesn't seem that great.  But the drum trainer mode in RB2 sounds pretty interesting as for a while people have claimed getting good at RB expert drums can get you trained to play actual drums.  Now they're actually throwing in some tutorials to play a real drum set.