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It never crossed my mind until...About half an hour ago when I read one of those "Top 100 over-rated games" things...

Anyway, I noticed RARE had quite a few games on the list (virtually every game they've made to be honest)...I did some more searching and found another list with most their games on again...


These were the games...

Donkey Kong Country 1\2\3 (2\3 basically a rehash of 1)

Banjo Kazooie\Donkey Kong 64 (Mario 64 collectathon clones)

Perfect Dark\Golden Eye (They're the same game basically...Appaling blurry graphics, the pioneer in console deathmatch tomfoolery...but does that make them good?...I got hooked on smoking but that isn't quality)

Killer Instinct (This really was rubbish, characters were all bland, ridiculous combo system...just a bland fighter  with no soul really. Do you remember "Primal Rage"?)

Kameo (Pretty dull if you ask me, nice graphics though...Definately shows strong signs of being one of those launch titles everyone thinks is great on release...Then years later they realise it was actually mediocre and generic)


This isn't my opinion, well a couple of lines are. I've elaborated the point a little, can't find the source now...But really, I'm just curious what you guys think. I'm inclined to agree that a lot of them really are over hyped over rate titles that on release got much more credit than they deserved...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are "rubbish". I really enjoyed DKC 1 on the SNES years ago...But maybe I enjoyed it because everyone else did? I was only 12-13 I think at the time maybe a little younger so...
