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Oh to work in marketing for Sony....

90 days from Launch, Id have this game featured on full 30 second adds during programing ranging from saturday morning cartoons, to Adult Swim cartoons, HGTV, Nikelodeon, and more.

I'd STAR, like really feature Sackboy, and show various shots of creative and gameplay, with Sackboy waving at the end, and having the release date boldly displayed under the "Only on PlayStation 3" at the end.

Hell, Id follow the same format for R2 / Socom and Motorstorm too. I'd make the games the stars, not the platform.

I think it will sell well, and have very good legs.


PSN: TheGodofWine (Warhawk / R2 / MotorStorm PR)


PSN: Skigazzi (for KZ2 and future games)