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Munkeh111 said:
Kenny said:
It's kind of ironic how they skipped over the one console with the most potential for a good control scheme in an RTS game.

The point of total war games is that they are total war. In Rome Total War, you can have about 8,000 soldiers on the battlefield at one time, all with their own animations, and you can zoom in and watch each one fight, it is incredible. I doubt the PS360 can really handle it let alone the wii. Anyway, I am not sure that the wii mote is the best way. I have not played any of the 360 RTSs, but apparantly they work well. Anyway, End War has the best idea for RTS controls, I just hope it works

I've played R:TW on my four year old PC, too, and I'd be playing it more if it weren't such a colossal time sink (I've been a fan of the Total War series since Rome - I love ordering thousands of people to beat the crap out of thousands of other people).  The game's pushing four years of age now, and my computer handled it all right even though it wasn't close to top of the line - on the huge unit scale even, albeit with some slowdown.  If they scaled the numbers down to Medieval 2 levels (where the largest non-spearman unit size was 120 rather than 160, IIRC) and optimized the coding properly, I see no reason why the Wii, let alone the PS3 or 360 couldn't handle it.

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