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bouzane said:
HappySqurriel said:
bouzane said:

Perhaps you are correct about it being anomalous or the fact that there are more gaming platforms. However, I have to point out the fact that you listed almost no original titles. Most quality hardcore games are merely sequels now and that's not a good thing for people who have been gaming for a long time. Maybe I'm just a pessimist.

You've definitely got a point about sequels. I do, however, have to point out that not all sequels are automatically soul-less cash-ins, or clones of their predecessors. The clearest examples I can think of are from Nintendo: while the genre is usually the same, Mario, Metroid, and (usually) Zelda all deliberately have different "gimmicks" that try to freshen the series up a bit. Ocarina and Majora's Mask may have been released two years apart, but they are radically different games, for example. Resident Evil 4 is another prime example. So I have no objection to sequels per se, so long as they do something to differentiate themselves enough to keep the gameplay interesting.