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Theres still a 5,700,000 gap in sales between 360 and ps3.... metal gear solid 4 has been and gone and not really made that much of an impact..... what have microsoft released this year? just ninja gaiden 2, a hack and slash game that was never expected to be a multi million seller..... so basically the 360 has not even released ONE big game this year and its still competitive with sony in terms of sales...... i'm sure games like resistance 2, motorstorm pacific rift, final fantasy 13 and LBP will help sony sales but what do you think that Left 4 Dead, Gears of war 2, Fable 2, Banjo 3 and too human are gonna do? hamper 360 sales? lol..... sorry to burst some peoples bubbles but theres no way that sony will catch microsoft in overall hardware sales at ANY stage of 2009 or 2010 and if they do eventually catch up by 2011 the next generation xbox console will be about to launch and microsoft will have achieved their goal of taking a huge chunk of sonys marketshare.... sony are in trouble.... you just don't know it yet.........