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noname2200 said:

It seems we're in perfect agreement (and yeah, snobcore's mine). I would say though that it's probably best not to segregate ourselves into "hardcore" and "others." In my mind, you either play games, or you should. I don't much care if you're in the Halo/Gears/Metal Gear crowd, or if you just play Diner Dash and Peggle once in a while. Either one makes you a gamer, and the snobcore's insistence on having you meet their criteria before they consider you a real gamer makes me sad. It's exclusionary and ultimately counter-productive.

It's even worse than that, though, because the definition of whether a game/gamer is "hardcore" or not seems to shift every year. Where once it was those damn Madden-playing PlayStation people who were killing gaming, now it's those retarded Wii Play owners. Where GTA III was considered to be a casual game four years ago, now it's the king of the hardcore. I don't know, but that whole attitude just makes me depressed.

I pretty much agree with this (we dont' really need a delineation) but I felt compelled to offer a checklist, so to speak, to sort of drive my point home about how these guys are fighting a meaningless battle when they're not even what they think they are.

Good thread