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Good God man, get ahold of yourself.

Nobody likes to whine about things they like. Internet whining is the equivelant of faux outrage. People do it to passive-agressively hurt another product by pretending that they, and others should no longer enjoy it due to whatever the latest internet trend is.

The winds have changed. You can either change with them, or no longer consider yourself a gamer in the modern age, sir.

No one likes to share, however, that doesn't make your "I hate to share, and I shouldn't be ashamed to fight not to" post any less horrible.

You're a human, I get it. I'm sure casuals hate to share with you. Just because you were here first, doesn't mean you have a greater right to the first drink.

I was here before Madden, yet it still manages to classify as a "big hardcore game" and take up a ton of development that should go elsewhere.

Cowards, the lot of you. Chin up and face the fire man. Die with a bit of dignity.

Don't die crying on the ground in muddy urine soaked rags. No one likes whining, and it only serves to boost your enemies morale, so for god sakes, be a soldier, not a coward.

If our intelligent posters spent half the time whining that they spend owning whining n00bs, imagine the state this forum would be in. Imagine kotaku commentary.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.