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2.85 GB install is still 2.85 GB too much. It seems that as soon as game developers get some storage, they unlearn how to program properly.

A good example:
Final Fantasy VI - 4 Megabytes
Final Fantasy VII - 3 CDs (4 on the PC version)

Even if you remove the FMVs, the game is still over 400 MB. Did the switch to 3D really mean you needed 100 times more storage?

Why SCIV needs any install whatsoever is beyond me, looks like they are doing it just because they can, so they don't have to work on optimizing load times from the Bluray. It's pathetic.

As an earlier poster pointed out, the whole point of a console is that you dont have to do all those annoying things. You should pop in the disc, and it should _JUST WORK_.

So sad.