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The PS360 era was my favourite console generation, and of those consoles I liked the 360 most, so I was leaning towards Option 5. However, my favourite console game is Shadow of the Colossus (while all of the others are multiplat), and with the rules in the OP I wouldn't be able to play it at all on the PS5.

The best version of that game is on PS4, but I have zero interest in the GameCube and the Xbox Series is wasted on me because I have a gaming PC.

So that leaves Option 2 - with PS3 I get the vanilla remaster of Shadow of the Colossus and most of the games I loved from my favourite console generation, plus basically two generations of Nintendo games because of all the WiiU>NS ports. And my PC makes up for the lack of PS4, PS5, XO, XS type multiplats with Option 2.