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US President Donald Trump on Thursday criticized the US-Japan Security Treaty, highlighting the fact that the US is obliged to defend Japan under the agreement but Japan does not offer the same security guarantees in return, even as Tokyo benefits from the trade relationship.

“We have a great relationship with Japan, but we have an interesting deal with Japan that we have to protect them, but they don’t have to protect us,” Trump said to reporters after signing an executive order in the Oval Office. “And by the way, they make a fortune with us economically,” Trump added. “I actually asked who makes these deals?”

Japan’s Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba countered the claim in parliament Friday, saying that Japan bears the burden of providing bases to the US. “Our relationship is not just one where the US unilaterally protects Japan and Japan is unilaterally protected by the US,” he said. Ishiba added that it was important to explain how much Japan, with its economy and pro-American sentiment, has contributed to US global strategy, and said that he wasn’t fretting about Trump’s comments.

Trump Criticizes Security Treaty With Japan as Unequal

Trump said Thursday in the Oval Office that other countries would not come to the defense of the U.S. — though they have done exactly that, in the only instance that the Article 5 defense guarantee was invoked.

"You know the biggest problem I have with NATO? I really, I mean, I know the guys very well. They're friends of mine. But if the United States was in trouble, and we called them, we said, 'We got a problem, France. We got a problem, couple of others I won't mention.' Do you think they're going to come and protect us? They're supposed to. I'm not so sure."

Trump Casts Doubt On NATO Solidarity | AP News


Talking shit as per usual and more outright lies to turn his stupid fanbase against NATO. The only time Article 5 was ever called upon was by America and NATO answered the call, we bled and died for America, entered into multiple wars for America, the Afghanistan War and Iraq War, all to help America. When we need help against Russia, America backstabs us and outright aids Russia, so maybe now we wouldn't be as eager to help America but that's because America spat in the faces of its allies, so if we didn't, Trump would only have himself to blame, but I bet we still would because Europe honours its commitments, unlike America.

Last edited by Ryuu96 - 1 day ago