BraLoD said: If there is any good coming from this is that some movements to boycott the USA and focus on helping each other have started in Europe. |
They ought to start labelling all produce which comes from America in supermarkets so we know what to avoid, Lol.
It's definitely bad for the USA and it could be good for Europe in the long run but I think we've just taken a step closer to a war between Europe and Russia, the morons once again haven't learnt from history and how isolationism and rewarding expansionist empires doesn't stop expansionist empires from expanding, America was the biggest deterrent to Russia and now it is gone. We will see what happens next, at the very least, Moldova I'm almost certain is going to be invaded next if Ukraine falls.
I don't even want Europe to take over America's role as "World Police" I just want Europe to step up to the plate and do enough to protect Europe at this stage, I don't give a fuck about what America wants anymore, America can deal with China on their own, America can deal with the next Middle-East crisis on their own instead of running to us for help like they did after 9/11, the assholes have shown just how ungrateful they are.
Europe has the ability, it has the military, it has the economy, it only needs the political will to understand that its own its own now and it's time to defend itself, time to stop caring about what America wants to do, or what America thinks, time to become a bit patriotic about Europe at the detriment of America, that is buying Europe, investing in Europe, no more buying American military equipment, etc.