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JuliusHackebeil said:
SvennoJ said:

Will be soon, had a cookie half an hour ago. First I'm going do some races in GT7 in VR, it gets so realistic when the high kicks in! Time stretching out kinda sucks though, 10 lap race can feel like an hour lol. Same in Synthriders, 3 minute song seems to go on forever (which is great when its 80s classics! Don't stop me now!)

Early effects oncoming, better get that headset on :)

It has been a long while since I did that. I hope you had an awesome time. GT7 in VR2 is certainly one of my favourite experiences while high. Will definitely try again this weekend.

Dunno if that weekly race is still active, otherwise find it! Lake Louise in GR.B rally cars, snow rally. Amazing in VR, drifting sideways through the corners. And night races on Tokyo in F1 cars are always great in VR!

I didn't get to Syntriders that night, GT7 was too good. I did Synthriders the next night, the light show from experience levels are perfect while high.

Anything in VR is good, as long as you can't get stuck lol. (Madison VR gets frustrating with the puzzles, shooters you get lost in the corridors and generally suck at keeping/finding ammo lol). Underwater spelunking in Subside was also amazing.

There's also always Tetris Effect, Thumper, Akka Arrh, Rez Infinite: Area X, Switchback, CyubeVR. PSVR2 has the high gamer well covered!