JRPGfan said:
On wiki its listed as 6th gen. Unlike nintendo, its hardware was powerfull for its time. |
Indeed, it was not the same situation, it was way worse than Switch, but you barely see someone bringing the issue, everyone is just fine with the 6th gen label, hence the Wiki data staying the way it is since the start. I am also fine with that bc Dreamcast is a succesor of the 5th gen Sega console: Saturn. See how easy generation consoles work? You should try follow that
If you were actually honest giving the data, you would say that Dreamcast was already dead almost 7 months before Xbox release, so the amount of days alongside Xbox and Gamecube were 0 and for PS2: 1 year and a few weeks out of the many years that 6th gen consoles remained on the market.
Since Dreamcast released by end of 98 and ended March 2001, that leaves 1 year and 5 months with 5th gen consoles only. With this, the holistic observation that you previously brought to us was slammed in the mud.
Knowing the issue, you pull the "power" and "Japan release didnt count" cards as if it would pass unnoticed how convoluted your reasoning is. Try harder next time.
Last edited by 160rmf - on 24 February 2025
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