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curl-6 said:
firebush03 said:

Including digital only sales, NSW would almost certainly be above PS2…but there’s a reason (i believe) why Nintendo chooses not to include it in their software sales reports, and why Sony shouldn’t be including it in their own: Shovelware apps releasing at next-to-no-cost inflate the software figures to comical levels. It’s a useless metric to say that NSW has >2bil software sales if nearly 1bil coming from eShop shovelware sold for cheap.

Low cost shovelware is a factor, but even if you rule all that stuff out, Switch should still be above PS2 just on the basis of "legit" releases as even without them its quite close.

PS2 also had quite a lot of shovelware in its own right, even without a digital store.

I think NSW will have better software figures than PS2 LTD, tho i can’t say if it’d be ahead currently when accounting for shovelware. (also, yea, ps2 is prolly one of the worst offenders of shovelware of any vg system ever made…tho it never got to a point where games were being sold for free at the press of a button. That’s my main point ig.)