Boycott Facebook
Boycott Amazon
Boycott Google
Boycott Tesla
Boycott Paypal
All of these rich oligarchs support Trump and his seizing of power. The president is only supposed to enforce the law, not interpret it. The president doesn't have the power of the purse and cannot pull any congressionally appointed funding. Yet Trump is actively doing both. These acts are a violation of the constitution and the rule of law.
If you still use facebook you are a cuck for oligarchy, dictatorship, and territorial expansionist wars.
If you still use amazon you are a cuck for oligarchy, dictatorship, and territorial expansionist wars.
If you still use google/youtube you are a cuck for oligarchy, dictatorship, and territorial expansionist wars.
If you still use Paypal/Telsa/Twitter you are a cuck for oligarchy, dictatorship, and territorial expansionist wars.
I'm paying off a few owed balances on Paypal and done with it.
I don't need youtube. I use duckduckgo and will be getting a non-google/non-apple phone asap.
Protests don't matter. Money matters. Stop giving these facists your fucking money.
If anyone wants to add more companies to the list to boycott please do. Anyone that gave campaign money to Trump needs to be boycotted.