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MAGA, they don't care about anything other than trying to annoy people, their entire personality revolves around "owning the Libs" and they can't think for themselves, they only regurgitate what their Lord Trump tells them is right and wrong, no matter what Trump does you can count on those little men to march behind him, mouth to ass in unison.

They'd sell out their own mothers if Trump told them to. It is a cult.

And I'm talking about the current MAGA, not the idiots who voted for Trump solely because they believed he would get down their grocery bills, those people are selfish and stupid but I separate them still from the MAGA loons who follow and approve of Trump's every word no matter how sick. However, those voters still share blame, and the "Moderate" Republicans who also sit aside and do/say nothing are also just as bad as MAGA.

You cast aside all your morals, all human decency, solely because a man with an R next his name is in power, then you're just as bad. Life isn't solely about "Winning" and Moderate Republicans need to remember that Trump is only 4 years but the stain of doing nothing and saying nothing will live with them forever. Though they probably don't care about things like legacy, decency, etc.