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Okay, let's give it a shot. While the obvious picks like Metroid Prime 3, Xenoblade Chronicles, Zelda Skyward Sword, Wii Sports, Smash Bros Brawl, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, DKCR, The Last Story and Sin & Punishment Star Successor have been mentioned plentiful times already, I'd like to give a shout-out to some more niche titles that I enjoyed a lot like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers. It may not be as complex like mainline games, but I found the main story to be quite exciting and tense. The presentation values are not too shabby either. Gameplay wise it may just be a lot of waggling and pulling, but there are so many funny interactions that can emerge throughout the entire journey that made me really like this game.

Then there were some turn-off-your-brain-and-enjoy-the-ride like action games that hooked me a lot like No More Heroes 1+2, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Red Steel 1+2, The Conduit and both Resident Evil light gun games. 

I also want to mention SSX Blur, Super Paper Mario, Endless Ocean, Pandora's Tower, Trauma Center, Project Zero: Crimson Butterfly, Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, Cursed Mountain, Deadly Creatures, and Battalion Wars II. Not one of these games plays similarly to any other. The amount of variety is insane.

Finally, I will always have a soft spot for Metroid: Other M, not matter what others think. And last but not least, I conclude that Kirby's Epic Yarn might be the best Wii game because it is a joy ride from start to finish.