SanAndreasX said:
Speaking of sex pests, here are America's top two health officials palling around with Russell Brand. |
Russell Brand, he was a twat when he was a left winger and he is a twat as a right winger now. The dude is one of those people who strings a lot of long words together that he clearly read in a dictionary to sound smart but doesn't have a clue what he is actually talking about, I don't know many people in the UK that ever liked him aside from when he was just a relatively normal comedian before he entered politics.
He is a sexual abuser and when it was revealed he was a sexual abuser, he did what many people do, became a far-right grifter and fucked off out of the UK to pal around with MAGA. Not before he baptised himself in the River Thames and conveniently after he was accused of sexual assault, became a born-again Christian, another grift. Most recently he was trying to sell $240 amulets to "protect" people from WiFi signals.
It's the same shit with a lot of others, whether they were left wing or right wing, once they're accused of sexual assault or become embroiled in any other major controversy they suddenly flip to the far-right, start screaming about how deep state is out to get them because they exposing them, suddenly become born-again Christians and then make money of idiots, at this point it's a business opportunity for these people.