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Torillian said:

As a side note since I often hear "you guys never say when Trump does something you agree with" from the Totally Not a Trump Fan crowd here's one from recently:

Trump told the Treasury to stop printing pennies. That's an idea I can totally get behind because pennies are stupid and useless, but doing it by an EO is not the correct way. This is something that is supposed to be done by congress. I understand that that's frustrating and everyone hates congress but that's because they're slow by design. You don't want knee jerk reactions when it comes to making big decisions so most everything when it comes to larger governmental decisions is left to congress so they can deliberate and take their time with it. The benefit of losing the penny is not worth the loss of our governing norms.

That's a fine idea. I'm also not incapable of praising Tories when they do something that I agree with, for example, Tories did actually take climate change seriously for the most part, they also heavily supported Ukraine and Boris is still a huge supporter of Ukraine. It's just that they do so much other bad shit that the good stuff obviously gets drowned out, Lol.