That reminds me, the Liberal insults make me laugh too, a lot of Americans throw "Liberal" out as a catch-all term on anyone on the left as an insult but in Europe and a lot of the world, it means something totally different and still has meaning which Republicans have eroded in America. Besides that, Liberal Parties in Europe tend to be centre or centre-right. But I'll reiterate, I have seen Americans legit say the Tories in the UK are left-wing or describe Macron as left-wing. That is because many Americans view of the political compass is totally fucked. It may be condescending to point that out but oh well, Lol.
It is likewise frustrating as a European, to hear garbage from Americans, many Europeans dislike talking to Americans because they are arrogant and treat Europe like shit. Screaming in our faces about how America is the greatest country on Earth and we should bow down to them, witnessing America trying to bully Europeans and other allies, stating how Europe has done nothing for the world or America, that we're Socialist Hellholes or in general talking mad shit about us and straight up threatening us. We have JD Vance calling Denmark a bad ally because they won't let America steal land and likewise saying America doesn't care about Europe's opinion. So why should Europeans care about Americans?
So forgive me if I have little sympathy for the complaining about condescension. Maybe tell your leaders to check their attitude first.
I will say that this obviously doesn't apply to all Americans, but it largely applies to the current Republican Movement, I made the effort before election to split Republicans from MAGA as two distinct entities and thus framed my insults towards MAGA specifically but while there may still be a lot of traditional Republicans still out there, it is very clear that MAGA has taken over the Republican Party and it's as a whole a lost cause now. The current Republican Party is not "Traditional Republicanism" but "MAGA Republicanism" but I will acknowledge that not all Republicans still think this way.
Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 10 February 2025