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sundin13 said:
Tober said:

I'm not arguing that USAID is doing good things or not. I am sure that some of it is.

I think most Americans believe their government had been corrupt, inefficient or stupid when it comes to spending tax payers money.

An if in the past Audits have been not effective to address this, then a more unconventional way is being applauded. Perhaps this has a 1 percent chance of actually uncovering the meaty stuff, like bribery, money laundering and such. This still is better than the status quo.

Should an "unconventional audit" be applauded if it results in significant death and disease?

Is this death and disease inherently better than the "status quo" of spending some money inefficiently?

Significant death and disease? Really?? OK The USA does know a lot about causing death and disease all over the world LoL.

No matter, I'm just a spectator talking to a bubble.

If Trump claims something good, he lies. If he claims something you'd get mad about, he's telling the truth.

Confirmation bias is strong on this forum.

As a non American, I thought it would be good place to openly discuss US politics openly on this forum.  I should have known better.

Its one sided and funny enough not representative of the American vote.

I don't like Trump, but I am openminded to the things he does right. And I believe in this case auditing his departments is a good thing.