sundin13 said:
Should an "unconventional audit" be applauded if it results in significant death and disease? Is this death and disease inherently better than the "status quo" of spending some money inefficiently? |
Significant death and disease? Really?? OK The USA does know a lot about causing death and disease all over the world LoL.
No matter, I'm just a spectator talking to a bubble.
If Trump claims something good, he lies. If he claims something you'd get mad about, he's telling the truth.
Confirmation bias is strong on this forum.
As a non American, I thought it would be good place to openly discuss US politics openly on this forum. I should have known better.
Its one sided and funny enough not representative of the American vote.
I don't like Trump, but I am openminded to the things he does right. And I believe in this case auditing his departments is a good thing.