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Tober said:

I'm not American, but I do enjoy the sitcom American Politics.

I've regularly watched congressional hearings over many years and the thing that is obvious is that no matter who occupies the white house, the departments have no interest in working with the senate on any hearing request at all. Stone walling I suppose the term is. That and obviously the Senators and House members are more interested in giving some monologue than to get to the bottom of things.

So now you got a President that hired some youngsters to go check the departments out to see what is actually happening with American tax money and everyone is getting their undies in a twist. More outrage about some social media post of these youngsters than what they actually found. I thought Americans would be happy that some transparency is brought to these bloated Government institutions.

The United States remains to be weird, what makes it funny.

I just thank goodness we have some transparent platforms now instead of the censorship we saw in 2020 and 2021.  With X being bought and some prominent voices being allowed on Twitch and YouTube now that weren't there or were brushed off as fringe or simply stayed silent on political stuff for fear of being deplatformed or having to be dishonest to avoid that, it's much more balanced news coverage and being left up to the people rather than just controlling what people see and hear 

I am Iron Man