People there are MASSIVE NEWS you won't believe!! There will no(t) (only) be cross gen titles, there even will be SWITCH 1 EXCLUSIVES ONCE SWITCH 2 WILL BE OUT!! That shakes things up coompletley! This is from Furukawa himself! Just read:
As you can read he directly pointed out PokémonZA and METROID PRIME 4: BEYOND!!
I said it before and i was right again!! Metroid 4: Beyond will be not only on Switch 1 but Switch 1 EXCLUSIVE!! So NO CROSS GEN!!
Q10: With Nintendo Switch 2 announced, will new games still be released for Nintendo Switch?
A10 - Furukawa:
We have already announced Pokémon Legends Z-A and Metroid Prime 4 Beyond for Nintendo Switch in 2025.
We will continue developing Nintendo Switch titles, but launching exclusive games for Nintendo Switch 2 is essential for its success.
However, we aim to ensure a smooth transition between the two platforms.