Mnementh said:
You made the argument that you don't need a PC for entertainment, because you have a phone. Similarly people use phones for gaming. All devices have limitations and upsides. That is the point really, people play games on many devices and many different sort of games. None of these options are 'wrong' or something. |
Nothing is wrong with Consoles, Handhelds, PCs, phones or whatever. Its just problematic that console developers give up exclusivity and soon there will only be Nintendo! You really only want Nintendo as the only one with physical games and exclusives? If they where and soon they will be you can kiss games like F-Zero, 1080°... goodbye. Then we should get prepared for more ports. Nintendo won't see PCs or Smartphones as direct competition. They will see an all digital Xbox without exclusives and just think: Nice games, but we will get them soon enough. If PS goes the same way by porting games over they will think the same. Why buy a PS/ XBox over a Switch 2 when you get most Xbox games + Nintendo exclusives you get nowhere else+ maybe even a few PS games in some years?! You can be sure Nintendo won't "thank" MS or Sony with porting MK9 to their systems. Thats what i mean! Exclusives are the reason you buy consoles! If there are no exclusives why buy their consoles? 3 consoles (ok PC and Smartphones as well) where you get different games are healthy for the market. Not only PC and Nintendo.