Torillian said: On a slightly separate topic, I wonder who Trump talks about as the allies of the US? I don't know if I recall him ever talking in those terms. Says nice stuff about the specific people that he talks to (like the leaders of other countries if they largely agree with him) but I don't recall him talking about other countries as allies of the US. |
There are four general foreign-policy strategies in the U.S, named after prominent political figures who held them: Jacksonian, Jeffersonian, Wilsonian, and Hamiltonian. In the 20th and 21st century most American presidents have taken a Wilsonian stance, that the U.S needs to "make the world safe for democracy."
Trump's policy has been a combination of Jacksonianism (manifest destiny, "America first") and Jeffersonianism (relative isolationism, non-interventionism.) Of course more heavily, especially rhetorically, akin to the prior than the latter. Regardless, both are positions very much critical of the U.S having any permanent alliances. So American Trump fans (not Trump, because he doesn't hold a consistent ideology) would probably tell you that no country are permanent allies of the U.S and the U.S should decide who the temporary allies are based on its interests and the interests of the population in each unique conflict.
How that plays in practice of course, is very different from the ideology, because the world is a lot more complicated than these ideals.