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crissindahouse said:
IkePoR said:

They're not going anywhere and if some of them even have the balls to, they'll all crawl back to kiss the ring when they can't live without US subsidiary.  

Guys like you always seem to think America is doing so much more for the world as anyone else while most of the time, you do much less compared to your GDP as most other countries.

You always just look at the total numbers and think that shows that others need to do more but that's obviously really stupid when you have a bigger economy with much more people as other developed countries.

When you look at Ukraine you don't realize that most EU countries do more considering the GDP. You also completely ignore how Europe helps millions of Refugees, you don't understand that your contribution for sovereign aid of the United Nations is/was much lower as that of many other countries and so on...

You just have Homer Simpson moments and are like "ohh we 50 billion, other country 20 billion so we better"

So America to stop aiding others does hurt the most because you simply have the biggest economy so that you can blackmail anyone else but that still doesn't mean that you have ever done as much as others looking at your GDP and polulation

But don't worry, even when countries will be weak and give Trump what he wants, it's Not about now but about the development over decades and countries like China will be the ones laughing when as example Africa's economy will get stronger and everyone in Africa will have a good picture of China but not USA

So, let me get this straight, they'll do what we want because we have money, but it's stupid to think we're better because we have money... even though they'll play ball with us... because we have money?  So are we subsidizing them or not?  You contradict yourself at least 4 times in this single post.

"You should be banned. Youre clearly flaming the president and even his brother who you know nothing about. Dont be such a partisan hack"