siebensus4 said:
I haven't heard for a long time that someone puts Gamecube and Wii in the same generation... Most people say that the definition of gen 7 is motion control. |
I am speaking from a technology perspective of course.
And remember, the Gamecube was originally designed/demonstrated to have Wii's motion controls first.
I would imagine the 6th console generation would have played out very differently if the Gamecube came with that instead.
LegitHyperbole said: Well if this generation is marked by Raytracing then it has failed at that. The difference is barely noticable for such a drastic hit to frame rates. Even on the PS5 PRO it isn't really all that great compared to PC's with 4090s that can really make use of it enough to be a noticable improvement. I'd say 9th generation is more about upcaling tech if you're just counting hardware features and probably 10th gen will also be about AI but in a more general way and less specific to one problems solutions. There will be DLSS on Switch 2 and Sony now has PSSR, Xbox have... ugh, idk. God knows what AI will be handling come PS6 and Xbox 5. Maybe they'll be able to dynamically alter the difficulty to provide the player with exactly whatever challenge they desire right the way through the game making difficulty options actually reflective of their names and not just a slider that makes things more spongey or your health is reduced. Perhaps NPC AI will become dynamic as well and learn in real time with the player making Solo MP games with bots have an experience like real MP. Development times may reduce drastically as AI takes on the heavy load of rendering details well enough that an artist can come in and polish them up and add soul qnd TLC instead of spending weeks on the interior of cars in games like GTranturismo, it could be two or three days to get the whole thing done and devs will be back to getting games out in two or three years like back in PS1. |
Hence "Rudimentary" Ray Tracing.
Consoles have had Ray Tracing for a long time in one form or another.
6th console generation games like Conker and Shrek used a single light bounce, Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 had subsurface scattering, Xbox One and Playstation 4 used real-time global illumination in some games.
The 9th gen is the generation where it started to become hardware accelerated, which is the key differentiator.
Upscaling has been around for awhile, consoles aren't really hardware accelerating it yet, other than the PS5 and the PS4 pro.
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