Jumpin said:
In all honesty, there are few terms as pretentious as "hardcore gamer" within video game fandom. |
OK. Well, I have no need to be "pretentious" with a term i do not give a real fuck and I simply used as an easy way to express myself, so I will be more exact then: I understand "Hardcore gamer" as "a daily dedicated player". Nothing more, nothing less. A casual gamer, usually, does not play every day... or it plays something like 15 minutes a day.
That guy of the photo, to me, is just a collector. I cannot know if he is a "hardcore gamer" or not.
Lots of new "hardcore gamers" have no physical collections at all. All pure steam. I mean... Steam. (Or some other similar digital service).
And I totally approve that. Me myself I prefer digital. I hate the youtubers with looooots and loooots of shelves full of boring spines of modern plastic game boxes, all of them equal, all of them in the same colour, behind them. It is fucking dumb, boring, and even sad. Better put some good books in the shelves, much nicer. But that is just an opinion.
BUT... I also approve the people who have a HUGE collection of games... especially if they collect classic nice games, with boxes and manuals, and specially if the guy knows what the fuck is he doing (there are some really beautiful collections out there, and some horrible ones). But those kind of people, with really huge collections, normally DO NOT PLAY 99% of the games they buy: they act as a some sort of museum. They barely can be defined as "hardcore or dedicated gamers". They are dedicated COLLECTORS.
Very much as the coin/bill collectors or postage stamp collectors. And, as those, some of them also try to make some money reselling their items when they can. Personally, I will NEVER do any kind of collectionism, including games. And yes, I love my minuscule childhood game collection, as everyone else, but I do not need to see it every day, in a shelf. I just understand the people who likes to collect. Collectionism is a hobby, like many others. Not mine, but totally respectable.