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I love Hershey Bars, Twinkies and pretty much anything american! And here I am in germany where sweets are a lot more boring. Sure, you can get a brownie around here, but they aren't brownies, they are just a normal and horribly dry chocolate cake. Germans simply do not understand that Brownies are not cake. It's similar with cookies. They are tiny and hard as iron around here. I can't stand it.

Every now and then I get some sweets imported from the US, but I have to pay like 10 Euros for a pack of Twinkies, lol. Can't wait to get to New York in february. Even though I am kinda in the minority with this, I think that the US dramatically outclasses germany when it comes to food in general. =P

Mexico is even better though.

Official member of VGC's Nintendo family, approved by the one and only RolStoppable. I feel honored.