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I'm about half-way through Kingdom Hearts and I'm loving it so much.  I've picked up Kingdom Hearts 2 and will play it immediately afterwards.

Eventually, I'm going to have to get a PS3 for Versus (and maybe for Heavy Rain).  Given that, here is what I want for KH3.

I want a strong, hopefully almost Pixar-like graphical upgrade.  Thats it.  I don't want fancy Wii game controls and mechanics.  I want a third Kingdom Hearts with story advancement and a far superior graphical interface.  There are some games where I would prefer the addition of Wii controls in hand with a small graphical upgrade for their next installments, but this isn't one of them.

Given that there is between a 0 and 1 per cent chance this game will be on the Xbox 360, I would therefore like it to be a PS3-developed game (if it went to PS3 is could actually become multiplatform quite easily given the series' strength in the West and Microsoft's penchant for giving Square Enix money).

I'm not overly optomistic that my wishes will come true though.  I can't convince myself that PS3 exclusive would be the best thing for the series business-wise, though I do believe PS3/Xbox 360 multiplatform would be just as competitive as Wii exclusive.  But given the heavy rumours that Disney wants the series on the Wii, I'm not holding my breath.


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